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K - 2nd grade  

WEEK 1 (June 9-13) 

Swamped -   a mini musical about friendship, tolerance, and courage.  Kids registered for this week of camp will get to be frogs, dragonflies, turtles and other fun swamp creatures.  


WEEK 2 (June 16-20) 

Barnyard Moosical - a hilarious and imaginative mini-musical where kids play animals in an unusual farm.  


3rd - 5th grade

WEEK 1 (June 9-13)

Pirates the Musical - a rollicking musical includes fabulously fun character roles like  Bluebeard, Yellowbeard, Whitebeard, Purplebeard,  No Beards, King of high Cs… 


 WEEK 2 (June 16-20)

Give Me The Sky, The Amelia Earhart Story - a  musical that brings to life the incredible journey of Amelia Earhart, a real-life hero who defied the odds.  


6th-8th grade

2 WEEK SESSION (June 9-20)

Beetlejuice Jr. the Musical - an adaptation of the Broadway musical that brings the irreverent humor and heartwarming story of Tim Burton's iconic film to life.  


8th - 12th grade

Theatre Tech 

WEEK 1  (June 9-13 ) Work on costuming, set building, lighting and more for the shows being performed week 1.

WEEK 2 (June 16 -20)  Work on costuming, set building, lighting and more for the shows being performed week 2.

WEEK 3 (June 23 - 28) Work behind the scenes of the Something Rotten High School production.



Registration for High School's Something Rotten can be found on the Apex page of this website.




All participants, K - 5th grade, will prepare a full mini-musical directed by theater professionals each week. Middle School participants will prepare and perform the entire musical this year during their 2 week session.  Our Theatre Tech workshop participants will learn and work on all that makes the shows come alive behind the scene!


Musical theatre professionals entertain and educate participants through daily performances.  Our camp also includes workshops to increase understanding of the inner workings of musical theatre as well as learn dance, stage combat, makeup, and other theatre related skills. 


Most importantly, children will come away feeling  inspired, empowered, and more confident than ever!  


EARLY BIRD PRICING until February 1st! 


New this summer for our Summer Musical Theatre Camp

Before and After Care option 


Led by an adult theatre professional, the focus of the before and after camp time will include singing, lunch, active theater related games, and play. 

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